Qualified staff is a key factor for the success and performance of a company. Continuing professional development is therefore an essential element of any company's development strategy.


The Chamber of Commerce accompanies and supports companies in their commitment to continuously improving the knowledge and skills of their employees. To this end, it acts, on the one hand, in favour of a legislative and regulatory framework conducive to the development of an efficient and transparent training and education system and, on the other hand, it initiates, develops and manages various continuing vocational training projects, in close consultation with companies and national and international training players.

I want to train an apprentice

The choice to train an apprentice allows a company or a company director to pass on their passion, knowledge and know-how to young people within the framework of a dual training course under an apprenticeship contract. It is therefore a way of training future employees in the image of their company while enjoying the countless advantages of hiring under an apprenticeship contract.

A special feature of the Greater Region is the possibility of cross-border apprenticeships. The apprentice completes the practical part in a company in Luxembourg and the academic part in a school in a neighbouring country. The foreign diploma is awarded. The company interested in a cross-border apprenticeship must comply with certain procedures and find out which professions are allowed under a cross-border contract.

What assistance is available to training companies and tutors?

Companies that employ apprentices and thus contribute to their training receive aid for promoting apprenticeship in the form of :

  • reimbursement of 27% or 40% (depending on the diploma prepared) of the allowance paid to the apprentice.
  • reimbursement of the employer's share of the social security charges relating to the apprenticeship allowance paid.

Contact us by e-mail at formprof@cc.lu or by telephone at +352 42 39 39 210.

I want to train my employees

The House of Training's main mission is to offer a range of continuing professional training to meet the needs of the Luxembourg economy.

Professionals train other professionals

The offer of the House of Training aims, on the one hand, to support company managers in their process of creating, taking over and managing a company by offering them training courses based on their specific needs. On the other hand, it is also aimed at the employees of these companies, who wish to develop their knowledge and skills and evolve in their professional lives.

In its approach, the House of Training favours a pragmatic approach whereby "professionals train other professionals". The majority of its trainers are therefore entrepreneurs, technical experts or representatives of our partners (professional associations, federations, academic institutes, etc.), in order to ensure that the training courses offered reflect the needs of the field as closely as possible.

The House of Training was approved as a continuing professional education organisation by ministerial order on 16th December 2015. By using its services, companies can, under certain conditions, benefit from financial aid from the Government. A full list of available grants can be found at www.lifelonglearning.lu.


Quelles aides à la formation professionnelle continue existe-t-il ?

L’Etat luxembourgeois soutient l’effort de formation des entreprises en contribuant au financement de leur plan de formation. Selon le montant de l’investissement annuel en formation professionnelle continue (FPC) et le type de formation dispensée, une entreprise peut prétendre à un cofinancement public de ses actions de formation. La demande de cofinancement est à envoyer à l’Institut National pour le développement de la Formation Professionnelle Continue (INFPC). Cette aide ne concerne pas les formations continues à caractère obligatoire prévues par le législateur pour l'exercice de professions réglementées. 

Pour en savoir plus, contactez la House of Training au +352 46 50 16 1 ou par e-mail customer@houseoftraining.lu

I am a jobseeker and I want a professional reorientation

Through close cooperation with businesses and ADEM (National Employment Agency), the Chamber of Commerce supports an employability-oriented vocational training environment, enabling people to acquire the skills needed in the labour market to improve their chances of integration and career transition. As part of the efforts, the Chamber of Commerce with the House of Training coordinates the following programmes on behalf of ADEM:

  • StartYourBusiness : offers a follow-up for future entrepreneurs registered with ADEM. This programme is implemented in collaboration with experts in the field of business creation and the financial support of the Ministry of Labour, Employment and the Social and Solidarity Economy.
  • Fit4DigitalFuture 2.0: Introduction to digital skills in demand on the Luxembourg job market
  • Fit4JobStart : Development of knowledge and skills for young, unqualified people wishing to enter the labour market in Luxembourg
  • Skill You Up 2.0 : Personalized coaching to identify opportunities for professional reconversion in a new function, or another sector of activity, by developing softskills

Contact: +352 247 88000, e-mail: info@adem.etat.lu

Who can help me ?

  • House of Training

    Created in 2015 by the Chamber of Commerce and the Association of Banks and Bankers, Luxembourg (ABBL), the House of Training's main mission is to offer multi-sectoral continuing professional training in a wide variety of fields. As a reference partner in the field of continuing professional development, the House of Training assists and advises companies, their managers and their employees in the development of their skills and knowledge in order to prepare them for the challenges of the future. Contact us by e-mail at customer(at)houseoftraining.lu or by telephone at +352 46 50 16 1.
  • Institut supérieur de l’économie (ISEC) 

    Created by the Chamber of Commerce and the Chamber of Skilled Trade and Crafts, the Institut Supérieur de l’Économie (ISEC) offers Bachelor's and Master's degree courses aimed at active people who wish to evolve within the company. Courses are offered in the evening and at weekends. Contact us by e-mail at info@isec.lu or by phone at +352 46 50 16 1.
  • Keyjob 

    Founded in 1987, Key Job has been providing training in IT and more recently in personal development for over 30 years. The training organisation specialises in computer courses and offers a range of products from traditional office automation courses to multimedia systems and high-level technical courses. Key Job's mission is to help Luxembourg companies acquire the skills they need to succeed in the digital transformation of their activities and processes. Contact us : info@keyjob.lu or by phone +352 49 06 09 1.
  • ADEM ​​​​​​

    The Employment Agency (ADEM) is the public employment service in Luxembourg. ADEM is placed under the authority of the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Economy. Contact: +352 247 88000, e-mail: info@adem.etat.lu
  • Maison de l’orientation 

    The Maison de l'orientation is a state administration that brings together in one place public actors active in the field of educational and vocational guidance. The Maison de l'orientation is aimed at any citizen seeking advice on educational and vocational guidance with a view to identifying his or her abilities, skills and interests, and to making informed decisions on the choice of studies and training, as well as on professional projects. Contact: +352 80 02 81 81 or info@maison-orientation.public.lu
  • WinWin.lu

    WinWin.lu is the reference platform for training companies and apprentices in Luxembourg!


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