How we help promote entrepreneurship and the jobs of the future to young people

La formation initiale

La Chambre de Commerce s’engage pour un système d’apprentissage de qualité

Grâce à sa proximité avec les entreprises luxembourgeoises, la Chambre de Commerce contribue activement à l’identification des compétences recherchées par les entreprises luxembourgeoises. En collaboration avec les autres acteurs de la formation professionnelle initiale, elle participe à l’élaboration des programmes de formation initiale et adulte et à l’organisation de l’apprentissage. La Chambre de Commerce gère chaque année près de 2.000 contrats d’apprentissage dans 30 professions des secteurs du commerce, de l’industrie, de l’hôtellerie et de la restauration, des services et du socio-éducatif.

A travers sa campagne WinWin, la Chambre de Commerce informe et sensibilise le grand public, les jeunes, les parents, le corps enseignant et les entreprises aux avantages de l’apprentissage. La Chambre de Commerce joue aussi un rôle d’intermédiaire entre les jeunes cherchant une entreprise formatrice et les entreprises offrant des postes d’apprentissage.

Pour estimer le potentiel d’intégration de nouveaux collaborateurs au sein de l’entreprise, la Chambre de Commerce a développé le TalentCheck, un outil d’évaluation de talents et de compétences qui s’adresse aux élèves de 5ème.  La participation au TalentCheck est valorisée par un certificat largement reconnu auprès des entreprises formatrices ce qui le rend particulièrement intéressant pour les candidats intéressés par la voie de l’apprentissage. L’accès au TalentCheck est gratuit (participation individuelle ou inscription par classe).

School-Business Relations: bringing the classroom and the boardroom closer together

Fostering dialogue between schools and companies is an important aspect of our work to promote entrepreneurship. The Chamber of Commerce has established the School-Business Relations programme with a view to contributing to careers guidance in secondary schools, introducing pupils to the opportunities offered by entrepreneurship and the various business sectors, and helping young people build the economic understanding that will serve them throughout their schooling and professional lives. The programme includes a number of activities designed to bring the business and academic worlds closer together, such as interactive workshops for pupils, company visits and seminars for teachers. This enables young people and their teachers to build bridges and engage in valuable conversations with entrepreneurs and company representatives, allowing them to explore different business sectors, the leading professions of today and tomorrow, and the key skills companies in Luxembourg are looking for.

The Chamber of Commerce is also developing partnerships with key players in the teaching ecosystem to create value-added projects that will benefit young people.


Workshops for secondary school pupils

The Chamber of Commerce has a number of initiatives to help pupils explore possible careers:

  • The two-in-one workshop consisting of: The Luxembourg economy – Did you know? and Entrepreneurship – Ready for business? The aim of the first part is to introduce pupils to all the facets and priorities of the Luxembourg economy. The second part looks at how to found a company and the opportunities offered by entrepreneurship.

If you are interested, contact our team: ree(at)
We will bring the two-in-one workshop to your school!

  • The Matinée Création d’entreprise – Pitch your business introduces the steps involved in setting up a business and includes a presentation with the title Why become self-employed? focusing specifically on the pros and cons of choosing a career as a self-employed person, business ideas and financing. After these presentations, pupils will work in small groups with the help of an advisor to flesh out the ideas they came up with earlier during a brainstorming session. They will also have the chance to discover the value of planning tools such as the Business Model Canvas (BMC). At the end of the morning, they will pitch their BMC to their fellow students and receive constructive feedback.

If you are interested, view our flyer here for further information or contact our team:

Matinée création d’entreprise – Pitch your business is run by the House of Entrepreneurship

Visiting the Chamber of Commerce

The Chamber of Commerce invites secondary school pupils (classes de 5è à 3è classique et général) to spend a morning exploring its premises and activities (including the House of Entrepreneurship and House of Entrepreneurship).

What is the history of the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce? Why does it exist? What are its values and development strategy? How does it seek to further the interests of Luxembourg companies? Through interactive presentations led by internal teams from the Chamber of Commerce, this visit helps pupils understand the purpose and role of a professional body in the Luxembourg context from both an economic and a legislative standpoint.

The Chamber of Commerce can also help you arrange a visit for your pupils to one of its partner companies in Luxembourg.

To do so, please contact our team:

Teachers meet businesses

Introducing teachers to the economic sectors of the future

The Teachers meet businesses seminar, organised by the Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with the IFEN (Institut de Formation de l'Education Nationale), is aimed at secondary school teachers who are interested in professional and personal development opportunities for their pupils in Luxembourg companies. The seminar introduces teachers to promising sectors of the Luxembourg economy and discusses sought-after qualifications and skills identified by companies operating in these sectors.

Chamber of Commerce partners in the School-Business Relations programme

As part of its efforts to build lasting bridges between the school and business worlds, the Chamber of Commerce has partnered with key players in the educational ecosystem to collectively develop projects that will benefit young people:

  • To promote the private sector, the various business sectors and the vast array of professional opportunities on offer to secondary school pupils: the Chamber of Commerce supports the Hello Future project run by FEDIL (Luxembourg’s multisector business federation) to provide young people with a platform where they can find a job in industry.
  • To promote and train young people in entrepreneurial, digital, green and transferrable skills: by creating the Master in Entrepreneurship and Innovation in partnership with the University of Luxembourg, the Chamber of Commerce is supporting training in the key skills needed to set up and develop a business. In doing so, we are helping talented young people make their business idea a reality and contributing to a sustainable, responsible economy. The Chamber of Commerce is also part of the Sustainable Entrepreneurial Schools project set up by the Service de la Coordination de la Recherche et de l'Innovation pédagogiques et technologiques (SCRIPT) in partnership with the General Directorate for SME, Craft and Retail. The website for the project,, is a national platform for a wide range of initiatives seeking to provide academic and professional guidance by promoting entrepreneurship and economic awareness. For more information, click here to visit the dedicated website.
  • To guide and support young people as they plan for the future and discover their potential: the Chamber of Commerce supports a number of initiatives to promote financial education as part of a strategic partnership with the ABBL. These initiatives are aimed, in particular, at developing fundamental financial knowledge, promoting responsible financial behaviour in Luxembourg and fostering entrepreneurship (for example, through the Woch vun de Suen / Money Week and the Money Odyssey mobile app).
  • To champion excellence by awarding prizes in the context of specific partnerships: awarding the prize for the best business plan to a graduate from the Master in Entrepreneurship and Innovation in partnership with the University of Luxembourg, and collaborating with the CNPSES to award prizes to deserving pupils studying economics through one of Luxembourg’s secondary education programmes, sponsor of the non-profit association "Olympiades Luxembourgeoises des Sciences Naturelles", which supports Luxembourg’s best science students in national and european competitions.