Key figures of the Luxembourg economy
95 660 euros
Highest real GDP in Europe.
25.7% of PIB
Luxembourg maintains healthy public finances with national debt at 25.7% of GDP, compared to the Eurozone average of 88.6%. For several years, its economy has held a Triple-A rating.
NUMBEO reports that Luxembourg holds the top position in the quality-of-life index and purchasing power. When adjusted for purchasing power standards, the median income per capita in Luxembourg is 74% above the European Union average. The residents enjoy the highest purchasing power in Europe.
2 570.93 euros
Is the monthly minimum wage as of January 1st, 2024, the highest in the world, just ahead of Australia.
Luxembourg’s VAT is 17%, while the average in the Eurozone is 20.8%.
With an open rate of 184.6% in 2022, Luxembourg is the world's most open economy.
German, French and Luxembourgish are the three official languages. English is increasingly spoken, especially in the financial sector. On average, residents speak 3.6 languages, placing Luxembourg first in the European Union.
The share of the financial sector in GDP was 23.5% in 2023. The Grand Duchy is an international financial center.
1,348 billion euros
Luxembourg receives the highest ratio of foreign direct investments to GDP among OECD countries, amounting to nearly 1,348 billion euros.
Luxembourg exports almost 65% of its produced goods and services.
The "baromètre de l’Economie"
The "baromètre de l'Economie" takes the pulse of the economy and captures the main concerns of companies every six months based on a survey conducted among a panel of 1,200 companies with 10 or more employees. It is intended to represent the evolution of the economic situation for Luxembourg companies, and thus to be a source of information for companies and decision-makers. The result of the Economy Barometer (out of 100) corresponds to the average of the 7 economic indicators: confidence in the future (company and economy), activity (last six months and next six months), employment, profitability and investment.
Have a look at the various edition of "baromètre de l'Economie" in French:
- Baromètre de l'économie - S1 2024 - Thématique : Défis socio-économiques
- Baromètre de l'économie - S2 2023 - Thématique : Financement des entreprises
- Baromètre de l'économie - S1 2023 - Thématique : Attractivité
- Baromètre de l'économie - S2 2022 - Thématique : Elections 2023
- Baromètre de l'économie - S1 2022 - Thématique : Inflation et énergie
- Baromètre de l'économie - S2 2021 - Thématique : Economie circulaire
- Baromètre de l'économie - S1 2021 - Thématique : Skills & Training
- Baromètre de l'économie - S2 2020 - Thématique: Le développement durable
- Baromètre de l'économie - S1 2020 - Thématique: Les entreprises face à la crise
- Baromètre de l'économie - S2 2019 - Thématique: Transformation Digitale
- Baromètre de l'économie - S1 2019 - Thématique: Recrutement
Useful socio-economic links
External trade
- Administration des Douanes et Accises du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
- Gouvernement du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
- Ministère de l'Economie
- Direction générale PME, artisanat et commerce
- Société Nationale de Crédit et d'Investissement (SNCI)
- American Chamber of Commerce (AMCHAM)
- British Chamber of Commerce for Luxembourg (BCC)
- Chambre Française de Commerce et d’Industrie au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg (CFCI)
- Portail Médias et Communications
- Office du Ducroire
Economy and finance
- Banque centrale du Luxembourg
- Bourse de Luxembourg
- Observatoire de la compétitivité du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
- Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF)
- World Competitiveness Center
- Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques
- Fonds monétaire international
- Organisation Mondiale du Commerce
Professional associations
- Luxembourg for Finance
- Luxembourg for Business
- ICTLuxembourg
- Business Federation Luxembourg (FEDIL)
- Association of the Luxembourg Fund Industry (ALFI)
- Association des Banques et Banquiers, Luxembourg (ABBL)
- Association des Compagnies d'Assurances (ACA)
- Chambre des Métiers
- Confédération Luxembourgeoise du Commerce
- Fédération Nationale des Hôteliers, Restaurateurs et Cafetiers (HORESCA)
- Union des Entreprises Luxembourgeoises (UEL)
Research, development and innovation
- Luxinnovation
- Portail luxembourgeois de l´innovation et de la recherche
- Fonds National de la Recherche
- Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)
- Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH)
- Université du Luxembourg
- Luxembourg Cluster Initiative
- Cluster maritime
- Cluster for Logistics