Eurosatory 2022

Mercredi 15 Juin 2022 > Jeudi 16 Juin 2022

Foire / salon
Go International

Mercredi 15 Juin 2022 > Jeudi 16 Juin 2022

Parc des Expositions Paris Nord Villepinte

The Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce and Luxinnovation invite you to participate in the accompanied visit to Eurosatory Paris from 15 - 16 June 2022.

As the 1st international reference for land and airland Defence and Security exhibition, Eurosatory brings together all the world defence and security professionals, authorities and experts, institutional decision-makers, members of think tanks, test centres and universities. 
When? 15 - 16 June 2022
Where: Paris Nord Villepinte Exhibition Centre, Paris (FR)

The joint business trip is free-of-charge and includes an entrance ticket as well as an invitation to Luxembourg Networking Events. Travel and accommodation have to be organised and paid by the participant individually.

Registration Deadline: 22 May 2022


In parallel to the Eurosatory trade fair, an accompanied visit will also be organised at Vivatechology, Europe’s biggest startup and tech event. For more information click here

Senior International Affairs Advisor 
Tel: +352 42 39 39 - 364

Senior International Affairs Advisor 
Tel.: +352 42 39 39 - 338
