Training: the key to success
Training is an essential part of any company's development strategy. Qualified staff is a key factor for the success and performance of a company.
This is why the Chamber of Commerce accompanies and supports companies in their commitment to continuously improve the knowledge and skills of their human resources. To do this, it acts, on the one hand, in favour of a legislative and regulatory framework conducive to the development of an efficient and transparent training and education system. On the other hand, it initiates, develops and manages various training projects in close cooperation with companies and national, regional and international training stakeholders.
Initial training - acting for a quality education system
In the area of initial training, the Chamber of Commerce is committed to the quality of secondary education, and more particularly of vocational training. It proposes programmes for technical secondary education and is also actively involved in the organisation of apprenticeships, in particular by identifying the professions potentially concerned, by drawing up programmes and by ensuring general supervision and the definition of operating procedures.
Adults education - a diversified offer to evolve
The Chamber of Commerce also offers a wide range of continuing education for adults, both for certification and for diplomas, through the following training structures
- House of Training
Created in 2015 by the Chamber of Commerce and the Association of Banks and Bankers, Luxembourg (ABBL), the House of Training's main mission is to offer multi-sectoral continuing professional training in a wide variety of fields of activity. As a reference partner in the field of continuing professional development, the House of Training supports and advises companies, their managers and employees in the development of their skills and knowledge in order to prepare them for the challenges of the future.
- ISEC - Institut Supérieur de l'Economie
In terms of university training, in addition to its partnership with the University of Luxembourg, the Chamber of Commerce has joined forces with the Chamber of Trades to create the ISEC (Institut Supérieur de l'Economie), which opened its doors in September 2016 and aims to promote a complete value chain of continuing vocational training by creating a "professionalising" tertiary education. ISEC offers both certificate and diploma higher education courses. According to the Bologna nomenclature, diplomas are awarded at Bachelor or Master level. The courses can be followed on a sandwich basis, but the educational system, which is oriented towards practice, also provides for internships and apprenticeships in companies, enabling students to obtain ECTS credits. Contact us by e-mail at info@isec.lu or by phone at +352 46 50 16 1.
Employment, employability and guidance
The Chamber of Commerce advocates a quality training system linked to a transparent certification framework. In addition, the Chamber of Commerce advocates more flexible initial and conitnuous training schemes, in line with a lifelong learning approach. Through close cooperation with companies and the ADEM (Employment Development Agency), it supports a vocational training environment conducive to employability, enabling everyone to acquire the skills sought after on the labour market in order to improve their chances of integration and professional retraining.
School-Business Relations
Finally, a key role is also reserved for the promotion of school-business relations, with a view to contributing to career guidance in educational establishments, informing students about the possibilities and opportunities offered by entrepreneurship and equipping them with an economic culture that can serve them throughout their schooling and their professional career.
Contact us by e-mail at ree@cc.lu.
« StartYourBusiness » Programme
StartYourBusiness is a training programme that complements the entrepreneurial ecosystem by offering follow-up to future entrepreneurs registered with ADEM. This programme is jointly implemented by the Agency for the Development of Employment (ADEM), the Chamber of Commerce, the Chamber of Trades and Skilled Crafts, the House of Training, Nyuko asbl and Touchpoints asbl with the financial support of the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Economy. The trainers and coaches/mentors are experts in business creation. The administrative management of the programme is provided by ADEM. Contact: +352 247 88000, e-mail: info@adem.etat.lu