Mardi 13 Oct 2020


Mardi 13 Oct 2020


The Videoconference will be streamed from the Chamber of Commerce

The Award ceremony is held at the Chamber of Commerce in the presence of Minister of Energy and Spatial Planning, Mr. Claude Turmes.

The ceremony is a hybrid event: The Videoconference will be streamed from the Chamber of Commerce and the physical attendance is reserved to the invited Speakers.

Join the ceremony by registering via our website: www.c4l.lu/lag-award

The ceremony rewards companies for reducing CO2 emissions in logistics activities. This year at least two companies have reduced these emissions by more than 20% compared to their reference year 2019.

The recurring program accepts new companies every year that are interested in saving money and sustainable logistics at the same time.


Program of the Conference:

15.00 – 15.05 p.m. Welcome Speech and Introduction by Mr. Malik Zeniti, Director Cluster for Logistics Luxembourg

15.05 – 15.15 p.m. Message by Mr. Max Nilles, Responsible Lean & Green program at Ministry of Mobility and Public Works

15.15 – 15.25 p.m. Guest Speech by Mr. Claude Turmes, Minister of Energy and Spatial Planning

15.25 – 15.50 p.m. Presentation of the Lean & Green candidates 2020: Mr. Philippe Scholten, Responsible Lean & Green program at Cluster for Logistics Luxembourg

Candidate speech on the motivations & challenges around the Lean & Green program

  • Biogros Sàrl (2 Star)
  • lux-Airport (1 Star)
  • POST Luxembourg (1 Star)

Award ceremony by Mr. Claude Turmes (Minister of Energy and Spatial Planning)

15.50 – 16.10 p.m. Keynote Speech by Mrs. Christelle Nicolay & Mr. Marco Gasper, Biogros Sàrl

Themes of the Speech:

  • Integration of E-Mobility into wholesale distribution
  • Strategy to achieve the 2nd Lean & Green STAR in Luxembourg

16.10 – 16.20 p.m. Closing Remarks by Mr. Carlo Thelen, Director General Chamber of Commerce Luxembourg

16.20 – 16.45 p.m. Visit of the Biogros E-Truck outside of the Chamber of Commerce

Please note that the event is free of charge but registration via the C4L-website is mandatory. The Videoconference link will be sent to registered users prior to the conference.