Jeudi 6 Juin 2019


Jeudi 6 Juin 2019

at 18:30

Chambre de Commerce, rue Alcide de Gasperi

June is the time of summer and our annual gala of CYEL, the Creative Young Entrepreneur of Luxembourg competition.

Master of Cerimony Mr.Pedro Castilho (Verbalius)
Keynote speech by Mrs. Karin Schintgen, CEO of House of Start Ups.

After a long and difficult selection among over 30 candidates, three finalists convinced the jury about their entrepreneurial skills and the creative and innovative projects:

  • Yannick Bontincks, CEO of Ziggu, a digital platform offering to real estate professional tools to manage the complexity of construction informing and engaging homebuyers.
  • Pierre Beck and Catherine Hoffman, who developed and commerciales Fox Beer, "low carb, low calorie and sugar free" and zero sugar” and cremant made in Luxembourg

Patrick Malget, founder of, a a platform making income tax returns easy

More information and registration: click here