BusinessMentoring: “Meet a Mentor”

Vendredi 28 Juin 2019


Vendredi 28 Juin 2019

at 12.30 pm

BusinessMentoring: “Meet a Mentor”, in collaboration with the House of Startups
Meet with Roland Haber, mentor and CEO XPERTIZ!


In a nutshell
Theory and practice of staff hiring and retention.

More than 35 years in managerial positions in various IT / NTIC companies of different seize from 20 to 150 staff. Since more than 10 years mentor in the Business Mentoring programme. Lived every possible situation for entrepreneurs from start-up, merger/acquisition to bankruptcy. Currently Managing Partner of an NTIC company based in Luxembourg with 35 consultants

Throughout his career he tried to maintain the balance between the economic prosperity of the company and the appreciation of its employees.


  • 12.15 pm - Welcome – Rachel Gaessler
  • 12.30 pm - “Hiring and retention of staff” – Roland Haber
  • 13.00 pm - Q&A
  • 13.30 pm - Snacking and networking

Date of registration
Please register before June 26th, 2019
Registration via eventbrite: click here