His Royal Highness Crown Prince Guillaume of Luxembourg, Xavier Bettel, Deputy Prime Minister and Fernand Ernster, President of the Chamber of Commerce, led a delegation of 36 companies and organisations to Web Summit 2024. The visit, organised by the Chamber of Commerce, in collaboration with Startup Luxembourg and the Embassy of Luxembourg in Portugal, was Luxembourg’s tenth participation to the “world premier tech conference”. “At a time of great uncertainty for many industries and, indeed, the world itself, we gather policymakers, heads of state, and the founders and CEOs of technology companies and fast-growing startups, to ask a simple question: Where to next?”, stated the organizers in their teaser.
With over 70,000 attendees and 3,000 startups, this year’s edition hosted conferences with tech leaders and corporates highlighting their innovation road maps, country pavilions presenting their ecosystems, and thematic meet-up zones. Day and night, the city of Lisbon was buzzing with gatherings and events of all kinds.
Minister Xavier Bettel attended a panel with Pedro Rangel, his Portuguese counterpart, on the topic of “balancing technologies, trust and democracies”. The discussion focused on how emerging technologies can be harnessed to strengthen democratic values while ensuring public trust and accountability in digital governance. Luxembourg companies had the opportunity to follow the official delegation during visits to four pavilions: European Investment Bank, Cabo Verde, Serbia, Portugal and Germany. Other featured national pavilions included France, Belgium, Brazil, among others. Keeping up with the tradition, the Embassy of Luxembourg hosted Luxembourg’s official networking reception in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce and Startup Luxembourg. This international evening welcomed the presence of around 150 participants from 10 different countries.
7 startups from Luxembourg attended Web Summit as exhibitors this year: Vinesia, Algora, Alokta, ArtZap.AI, ElleQuant, IgniSign and Quasible.ai
The 2024 edition of Websummit kept its promises and generated an ever-increasing interest worldwide. Let’s wait and see what is next for what the New York Times described as the “grand conclave of the tech industry’s high priests”.