In preview of a forthcoming Trade Mission to Australia organised by the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce and led by H.E the Minister of Finance, Mr. Pierre Gramegna, we are proud to invite you to a Round-Table discussion with H.E. Duncan Lewis, Ambassador of Australia to Luxembourg on the premises of the Chamber of Commerce on Thursday January 9th 2014
Both the Chamber of Commerce and the Australian Embassy are determined to promote bilateral Trade and Investments in our respective countries. This Round-Table will be a unique opportunity for companies from both sides, both Australian companies in Luxembourg and Luxembourg companies with a vested interest in Australia to informally exchange their views about opportunities, obstacles and other constructive initiatives, and which ultimately will lead to enhance the bilateral economic relations between Australia and Luxembourg.
Should you have an interest to participate, we kindly ask you to send back the attached Registration Form. For all further questions, please feel free to contact Mr. Jean-Claude Vesque, Head of International Trade (Email: , Tel: 42 39 39 311)