The private eufom European University for Economics & Management was recognised in January 2012 by the Luxembourg Ministry for Higher Education and Research. The first group of students was admitted for the 2012/13 winter semester at the Study Center Luxembourg.
At present, eufom students can choose from among three practice-oriented Bachelor degree programmes and the Master of Business Administration (MBA) programme.
Eurochambres-The Association of European Chambers of Commerce
Eurochambres est l'Association européenne des Chambres de commerce et d’industrie. Créée en 1958, elle regroupe aujourd'hui 45 associations nationales dotées d’un réseau de 2000 Chambres locales ou régionales, représentant plus de 20 millions d’entreprises en Europe. C'est l'une des plus importantes associations professionnelles européennes, aux côtés de BUSINESSEUROPE (anciennement UNICE) et d'UEAPME.
Europa est le portail de l'Union européenne. Il s'agit d'un bon point de départ si vous êtes à la recherche d'informations et de services fournis par l'UE et comporte les éléments suivants: Informations de base sur le fonctionnement de l'UE; Dernières nouvelles et événements récents liés à l'UE ;Liens vers des informations concernant l'UE sur les sites web des institutions et agences de l'UE
European Environment Information and Observation Network (EIONET)
The European environment information and observation network (Eionet) aims to provide timely and quality-assured data, information and expertise for assessing the state of the environment in Europe and the pressures acting upon it. This enables policy-makers to decide on appropriate measures for protecting the environment at national and European level and to monitor the effectiveness of policies and measures implemented.
Executive Training Programme (ETP) Japan & Korea
ETP is a unique professional development programme for EU executives, eager to succeed in the Japanese or Korean market. Going through the ETP cycle, EU executives will learn to communicate, to appreciate their cultures and to successfully develop business (exports, investments, joint ventures). ETP is aimed at the next generation of EU business leaders: executives working for dynamic EU companies who want to broaden their horizons and enhance the prospects of their firms in the Japanese and Korean markets.