Go Digital - Build your online business - from scratch to launch - ENG

Tuesday 10 Mar 2020

Conférence / séminaire

Tuesday 10 Mar 2020

12:00 PM to 2:00 PM

Chambre de Commerce | 7 r. Alcide de Gasperi - Kirchberg | 2981 Luxembourg


Level 2

Practical workshop: Spotlight on the digital tool & demo.

Click here to sign up for free !


Workshop :

The BYOB workshop is designed to cover the entire process of starting and running an online business. You will learn the exact strategies, frameworks, and tactics of starting from an idea, to creating products and services, to setting up the systems to operate your online business - from your first sale to automating and scaling up.The BYOB workshop consists of six modules:

  1. Finding your idea, service, product, passion and testing if it is profitable
  2. Defining your action masterplan and creating a checklist of concrete and actionable tasks that helps propel you forward
  3. Building your audience (traffic, subscribers, potential clients) complete with the tools to grow
  4. Defining your products and services, turning them from ‘nice to haves’ to ‘must haves’, including best practices for pricing and positioning
  5. Mastering the art of sales and learning about the subtle psychology triggers that influence people to buy
  6. Setting up your online business, learning the technologies you need to operate, automate and scale up your online business

Whether you are interested in starting up a small side hustle or would like to go full time into running your own online business, BYOB systems and methods will be useful in every step of the way.


Who is it for?

The BYOB workshop is geared towards people who would like to start their online business and are not sure where or how to do it.


About the workshop:

BYOB is a course that teaches you how to start, create and run your own online business -- even if you don't have a business idea or product, even if you don’t know where to start, even if you are not an expert. BYOB is an all-encompassing workshop that teaches you the proven step-by-step system including the strategies, techniques, tools, and fail-proof methods that take you from having no idea, to starting and running a profitable online business. BYOB system and methods have been tested and proven over 15 years, with 5000+ clients in 450+ industries and is the first of its kind e-business training workshop offered in Luxembourg.



The Chamber of Commerce car park (7 rue Alcide de Gasperi - Kirchberg, 2981 Luxembourg) is at your disposal free of charge.

Go Digital, a program developed by the House of Entrepreneurship of the Chamber of Commerce.





House of Entrepreneurship – One-Stop Shop

14, rue Erasme, L-1468 Luxembourg


T: (+352) 42 39 39 - 840


« By registering for this workshop, you agree that your personal data will be processed in accordance with the GDPR Policy of the House of Entrepreneurship: https://www.houseofentrepreneurship.lu/protection-des-donnees-personnelles/ »