Economic and financial sanctions in the global context: Stay updated with the latest developments

Dienstag 20 Sep 2022

Conférence / séminaire
Go International

Dienstag 20 Sep 2022

from 10.00 am to 1.30 pm

Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce


Considering the current geopolitical crises, international economic and financial sanctions appear to be a widely used policy instrument against different countries. During this seminar, the speakers will focus on the EU and the US perspectives of recently implemented restrictive measures. They will also shed light on challenges of economic and financial sanctions for Luxembourgish companies and share insights on their effects to market-related operations and activities. 

When? 20 September 2022, from 10.00 am to 1.30 pm

Where? Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce

Kindly note that the seminar will be held in English. Simultaneous interpretation into French will be provided. 

Interested? Please register before 12 September 2022



Any questions?

Please contact:

International Affairs Advisor  
T. +352 42 39 39 - 324

Katarina GERARD
Senior Legal Advisor, Legal & Tax
T: +352 42 39 39 - 346
